Saturday, June 22, 2013

booth set up in record time

The power of hind site is 20/20 for sure.  Had I known it wasn't really going to rain I wouldn't have rushed through pictures and tear down of the display.  Had I known it was going to cool down I would have waited until mid afternoon to set up the booth.  And so I set out in mid morning while the sun was shining and the humidity was so thick you could drown in it and set up, snapped pics, and tore down in 3 hours.  Phew...5 and a half hours later and I'm still exhausted from it.'s where I stop whining and start asking ever so nicely for your help.  Here are the pictures I took of my booth.  Imagine you are walking through a lovely botanic gardens, plants and trees oh so pretty, and interspersed in the gardens is an art show.  10x10 foot booths filled with handmade goodies.  Would you stop and come into my booth?  Be honest? 

What catches your eye?  Is it a display?  is it the sparkle of one of the flowers?  Is it my welcoming smile?  Any feedback any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.  Booth displays are always a work in progress and I'm still at the beginning of my work.  Would you walk in or pass by?  Even if you'd pass by I'd like to know.   So all thoughts are helpful.

I was pretty happy that I didn't have to add a third table into the booth to fill it.  The side table is a little bare, I'm hoping to get one more wreath done in time for the show.  That a couple more calla lilies that I have waiting to be laced.  Side table also has some new bud vases that are very modern looking.  Another example of how to display a flower as every day home decor. 

Thank you so much for looking and any comments, emails, or opinions I can get. 

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