Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Spring and Summer Shows so far

I spent a bunch of time this winter figuring out what I wanted to do with flowers this year.  Trying out new art shows is my priority.  So far I've applied to 5 and am thinking of a 6th.  I won't be showing in them all, I'm just trying to get into a couple.  I might have jumped in the deep end with some fancier shows than I'm capable of getting into.  I'm still waiting to find out about most of them

What I do know is that I will be at a show called Spring Bloom in Bloomington Illinois.  It is an in door show on Saturday April 18th from 10-5.  It is the first time I'll have participated in anything organized by the McLean County Arts Center and I'm excited to see how they work.   If this goes well they have a larger show in July that I would apply for in 2016.

The second show I'm fairly certain I will be doing this year is the Peoria Botanic Garden art show at the end of June.  I've been there the last two years and it's been good to me.  So I can hardly say no to that.

My new line of Copper Flower Tiles will be at these shows and up for sale.  They are truly what I am over the moon excited about and want to spend my time working on and exploring.  This piece is called Caged Lotus and it is inspired by my Aunt's line of Chicken baskets.  The wire work was so fun to do.  I can't wait to learn more braids and weaves.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Copper Flower Tiles

Creating art is all about leaps and bounds, or some times baby steps, slow motion crawling, or even two steps forward three steps back.  For years I've been talking and dreaming about incorporating more wirework into my flowers.  I'd play around with it and then get distracted by a fun color combination.  Or be discouraged b/c my wire wrapping skills were not advanced enough.

And then in December while discussing painting oils on copper sheet with Mom, it hit me.  All the pieces that I'd spent years trying to figure out how to put together just glided into place.  Like a puzzle piece that was stupidly hidden under the table.

Introducing a new line of flowers I am creating...
I'm not sure what to call this new direction.  Two dimensional french beaded flowers?  They aren't really french beaded flowers nor are they really 2D.  Wire and bead paintings?  Ugh, I need a name, something to call this.  I'm not sure why but it doesn't feel complete until I  name it.
I am completely smitten with this new technique and style of bead work. I love the free form flowers I can create.  The textures, colors, and richness I can manipulate from the copper background.  The fact the it is a framed piece which makes it a finished piece.  I'm competing with paintings with this art form and that is exciting.  An elevation from just a flower.  Most of all I am brimming with ideas. My fingers and mind cannot create fast enough to satisfy my creative flow.  But it is fun to try.

I have my first show of the year coming up in less than a month.  I'll post again soon with details.